Law and Rights
Intelligence and Security ~ an important report
12 March 2015 - The Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament has today published its Report 'Privacy and Security: A modern and transparent legal framework'. This Report includes, for the first time in a single document, a comprehensive review of the full range of intrusive capabilities available to the UK intelligence Agencies. It contains an unprecedented amount of information about those capabilities, the legal framework governing their use, and the privacy protections and safeguards that apply. The Report also reveals the use of certain capabilities ? such as Bulk Personal Datasets and Directions under the Telecommunications Act 1984
? for the first time. The Report represents a landmark in terms of the openness and transparency surrounding the Agencies? work.
The Committee has also released a press statement on the report, and the opening statement from a press conference held on 12th March.
The Guardian - Joshua Rozenberg - Legal limbo where spies reside is beyond spooky
Telecommunications Act 1984 - Directions in the interests of national security
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Investigative Powers ~ An Important Report
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Counter Terrorism And Security Bill - Joint Committee On Human Rights
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The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
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Law and Rights