Law and Rights
Scotland ~ Independence White Paper
Sgurr na Banachdich, Skye - 3166 ft |
On 18th September 2014 (the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn - see post of 26th January 2012), a referendum will be held in Scotland to enable the Scottish electorate to decide whether to proceed to an independent Scotland. If there is a YES vote then the aim is to create an independent Scotland from 24th March 2016 (BBC - Proposed date for Scottish independence named). 24th March 1603 was the date of the Union of the separate Crowns of England and Scotland.
The Union of England and Scotland dates from 1st May 1707 - see Act of Union with Scotland 1706 and the Act of Union with England Act 1707 ). Those Acts stated: 'That the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England shall upon the first day of May next ensuing the date hereof and forever after be United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain And ...' Independence would bring to an end this historic Union which has withstood the fierce furnaces of major events for over 300 years.
The Scottish government has put forward the case for independence in a White Paper - Scotland's Future (670 pages). here is some of the media reaction to the White Paper: BBC; The Scotsman; The Telegraph; Daily Mail.
There is a considerable amount of material to be considered. Numerous questions arise and the answers are not necessarily very clear. Clarity is essential so that voters are able to make a fully informed decision. There is danger here of a lot of political "spin" tending to obscure the difficulties. Hence, more on this will follow. As to whether the pathway to independence after even a YES vote will be difficult see The Guardian: Alex Salmond faces Westminster hurdles over an independent Scotland
Previous posts:7th May 2011 - No to AV ... but what lies ahead?
26th October 2011 - Scotland and the EU ~ a tricky point
10th January 2012 - Scotland: we need to talk
21st January 2012 - Scotland's Constitutional Future: an influential Scottish voice
26th January 2012 - Scotland's (and UK's) future
2nd October 2012 - Scotland - Constitutional Futures Forum
27th October 2012 - Scotland and the EU - No.1
31st October 2012 - Scotland and the EU - No.2
Relevant legislation:Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) Order 2013 - an Order in Council made under powers in the Scotland Act 1998 sections 30 and 113.
Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Act 2013 - (Scottish legislation)
Edinburgh agreement - October 2012
Scotland - 8th October 2013 - analysis paper on defence
Additional:Brian Barder blog - Give Scotland the option of what most Scots want - full self-government within the UK
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Law and Rights