The burial of King Richard III - a judicial review
Law and Rights

The burial of King Richard III - a judicial review

Update 2nd December - Law Society Gazette - The remains of Richard III spark a modern day legal fight

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave has granted permission for a judicial review of the decision to re-inter the remains of King Richard III at Leicester - R (Plantagenet Alliance Ltd) v Secretary of State for Justice and others

Please see my previous post Richard III.  Haddon-Cave J ended his judgment as follows:

Final comments and recommendation 

39.  It is ironic that the Wars of the Roses appear to be returning whence they started, the Temple. Legend has it that John Beaufort and Richard Plantagenet picked the symbolic red and white roses in Inner and Middle Temple gardens (c.f. Henry VI,Part 1, Act 2).

40. I would, however, urge the parties to avoid embarking on the (legal) Wars of the Roses Part 2. In my view, it would be unseemly, undignified and unedifying to have a legal tussle over these royal remains. This would not be appropriate, or in the country?s interests. The discovery of Richard III?s remains engages interests beyond those of the immediate parties, and touches on Sovereign, State and Church.

41. For these reasons, I would strongly recommend that parties immediately consider referring the fundamental question - as to where and how Richard III is reburied -to an independent advisory panel made up of suitable experts and Privy Councillors, who can consult and receive representations from all interested parties and make suitable recommendations with reasonable speed.

A further post on this at Law and Religion UK 

Wars of the Roses

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Law and Rights
