Law and Rights
Lemon Flowers for Professional Lemon Assistants

In this business, where we run into lemons constantly, you have to have a sense of humor. We try to share humor whenever we can, wherever we find it. Sometimes we even get to cause a smile to brighten up someone's day.
The Burdge Law Team is more than just lawyers. Each of our attorneys has an assistant, and an entire staff, of dedicated professionals who tirelessly work to squash every lemon and make every manufacturer pay for it.
For them, this week is dedicated. Today they each received a beautiful (and humorous) lemon flower arrangement like the one pictured above with the heartfelt thanks of our attorneys and our clients. Our professional assistants work hard every day to help our clients get rid of their lemon.
If you've got a lemon car or lemon truck or lemon motorhome or lemon boat or lemon motorcycle, email or call us 1-888-331-6422 Toll Free. Squashing lemons everyday is what we do (free lemonade available by clicking here).
Burdge Law Office
www. US Lemon Lawyers .com
Helping Consumers, and Consumer Law Attorneys, Since 1978
Click here to see what your state's Lemon Law says a lemon car or lemon truck is.
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Law and Rights