Law and Rights
Lemon Law Lawyers Can Help You in Tough Times

If you've got a lemon car or lemon truck or an Rv lemon, maybe you're wondering if you can get the factory or dealer to take it back without having to hire a lawyer. Think again.
The simple fact is that consumers who have an experienced Lemon Law attorney almost always get more money in their pocket than those who go it alone. We've seen lots of times where a consumer will come to us after they have made a deal on their lemon vehicle with the manufacturer, usually for very little money and maybe an extended warranty (if they argued really hard), but they end up keeping the vehicle and they come to us later when either the same problem never really gets fixed or even more problems come up.
If you settle your lemon law claim, then that part of your car's history is over with when you go see a lawyer later and they won't be able to use that part of your defects or breakdowns to try to get rid of your lemon vehicle.
That's true even if the worst of your defects were at the beginning before you settled your claim. Once you settle, that part is over with. It's as though all of those repairs and your complaints were just erased from existence.
What makes it so bad is that most lemon laws only cover those early miles and months of your use. Ohio's is for 12 months or 18,000 miles but some states are only 12 months and 12,000 miles. So by the time more defects arise and you realize that they are never going to be able to get it fixed, your state Lemon Law rights are long gone.
That's exactly why they offer you some money or an extended warranty when you don't have an attorney helping you. The factory people realize that you probably don't know just how good your case is, you are looking for the quick way out of things, and they can say whatever they want to persuade you that your best bet is to take what they are offering. Folks, it isn't true what they are telling you.
I've heard of factory and dealer people telling the consumer that the Lemon Law didn't cover them, but it really did; the definition of a lemon didn't include their kind of vehicle, but it really did; the consumer didn't have a right to his or her money back, but they really did; the factory could deduct for mileage on the lemon vehicle, but they really couldn't; the factory had the right to charge the consumer for the replacement vehicle or for part of the cost of the replacement, but they really couldn't; the consumer couldn't make the factory pay for an attorney if they hired one, but you really could.
Hey, they don't own those great big car lots because they willingly buy back the lemon cars, folks. If you've got a lemon vehicle, you've got a choice. You can go it alone and take what little they will give you, or you can hire an attorney and get what you deserve. It really is that simple.
If you've got a lemon car, don't put up with the run around. Get an experienced Lemon Lawyer to help you get your money back and rid of your lemon. Get a Burdge attorney. Getting rid of lemons is what we do. Since 1978.
Call us right now, 1-888-331-6422 Toll Free, or email us for free and quick help to get rid of your lemon.
Burdge Law Office
Because life's too short to put up with a bad car or a bad truck.
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Law and Rights