Law and Rights
Free ebook The Ohio Lemon Law Bible, download here
Just released - the Ohio Lemon Law Bible - a free ebook now available from the Ohio Lemon Law lawyers at Burdge Law Office.

Chapters include:
How Can this Book Help You?
Lemon Law Myths in Ohio
Bad Vehicles Happen
Your Ohio Lemon Law Rights Explained
... and more
Get your free copy by clicking here:

Burdge Law Office
Helping consumers get rid of lemon cars and trucks
for over 30 years
Credit Records And Credit Rights, An Fyi Word For Consumers, a news outlet on the internet for the Akron Ohio area, recently published an article on Credit Rights and consumer rights about their credit record, authored by Dayton attorney Ron Burdge and now being circulated by the Ohio State Bar Association."Most...
Lemon Law Lawyers Can Help You In Tough Times
If you've got a lemon car or lemon truck or an Rv lemon, maybe you're wondering if you can get the factory or dealer to take it back without having to hire a lawyer. Think again. The simple fact is that consumers who have an experienced Lemon...
Lemon Flowers For Professional Lemon Assistants
In this business, where we run into lemons constantly, you have to have a sense of humor. We try to share humor whenever we can, wherever we find it. Sometimes we even get to cause a smile to brighten up someone's day. The Burdge Law Team is more...
National Law Journal Quotes Burdge On Rv Lemon Law
This week's National Law Journal has an article in it headlined "Motor Home Makers Hit with Warranty Actions" and quotes Rv Lemon Law lawyer Ron Burdge. The article discusses the rising tide of warranty litigation with motorhome manufacturers under...
Recalls, Safety Warnings, & Research Links
The job of a lemon lawyer is to hold manufacturers responsible when they build a defective product. The links below provide information about motor vehicle recalls, safety warnings and research and tips to help keep you and your family safe. Find the...
Law and Rights